Celebrating Ejagham Author

Brief Background and Career
Born on the 1-Dec-1984 in Babong, by Ashu Bernard Ekem and Ndep Philomina Tabot; Ekem Festus Egbe is the fourth child out of eight and the only boy child.
In October 1996 after passing my First School Leaving Certificate and common Entrance Exams, my Cousin, Nso Jennet Ebob of blessed memory who was poised that I must go to school gave me six thousand francs (6,000frs) from the money we made from garry with her. I added the five thousand francs to what I had gathered and it gave me eleven thousand francs. On my way to school, one of my uncles at Okurikang gave me one thousand francs, making a total of twelve thousand francs. I took the money to Eyumojock where I seek admission into form one. Ten thousand francs was just ok for the school fees(7500frs) and PTA levy(2500frs). The rest of the money (two thousand francs), I used it to buy my exercise books. Without any money for lodging, I then went back to Babong, of course on foot to tell my cousin that the money was finished and the house she was begging that I should be harboured, the owner had refused.

On reaching Babong, my cousin a form three student too had gone to the forest to harvest eru so as to have her own money to go back to school. On seeing me in the forest she burst into tears, I joined her, cried there in the forest, those who were there with us begged us to stop crying. We were just about a kilometre from the hut. My cousin asked me if I would mind eating something from their pot, i said yes, I was not hungry. I assisted her to harvest eru, though I was not familiar with such a task. At the end of the day, she harvested eru for five thousand and gave me to take home and sell. By then a bundle of eru that is now sold at 500frs was 50frs. I happily took it home and set up for school. My school uniform was gotten from a student who had already turned it to bush clothing. Text books were, as well begged from senior students.

My secondary school life seems pathetic due to hunger and poverty; but outwardly, I was persistently celebrated by some students, teachers and the schools due to outstanding academic performance. I did just first term in class three (primary school) and was sent to class four due to outstanding performance. I topped my classes in primary and secondary schools and was made class prefect in all the classes.

One of the shocking moments in my life was when I lost that my cousin in 1995, by then I was in form four. She died following a brief illness. May her soul find solace in the Lord’s bosom in Jesus Christ name. I then had to struggle my way through the secondary, high school, the university and professional school.
Ekem Festus Egbe is a seasoned Biology teacher, Supervisor of Advanced Level Biology Practical, Advanced level Examiner with the Cameroon General Certificate of Education Board, and senior Discipline master in Government Bilingual High School Bafoussam-Cameroon. He is a holder of DIPES1 in Biology from the Higher Teachers’ Training College Bambili of the University of Yaounde 1 and a Bachelor Degree in Animal Biology from the University of Dschang-Cameroon.

Ekem Festus Egbe is the founder and president of Babong Young Stars Association,
- Second Vice President of Ejagham Njemaya Cultural Association with Headquarters in Yaounde,
- President of the 1996 Batch of GBHS Eyumojock Ex-students Association;
- Secretary General of many Associations including:
- Babong Cultural and Development Association with head Quarters in Tiko;
- Upper Ejagham Development Association with Head Quarters in Yaounde;
- Ejagham Cultural Association Bafoussam branch;
- Association of Administrative staff of Government Bilingual High School Bafoussam with the French acronym CERA;
- Association of the 2005 batch of ENS Bambili Ex-students of the Biology Department.
- He was one-time president of Manyu all students’ Union (MASU) Bambili branch.
- He is a community mobilize: Has a great personality in the midst of his peers, easily pulls crowd, development and peace crusader
- He is a sport lover; playing football and handball as well as a athletics
- He sometimes gives commentaries during football matches
- A very good chorister: He sings in the church choir and also composed songs that are used during singing competition and church service. For instance, he composed Ejagham songs that were used during the Catholic Youth Rallies organised by our lady of Lourdes Parish Eyumojock and hosted by Eyumojock, Ekok etc. He has composed many other songs including Babong village Anthem in Ejagham.
- He is a very honest, transparent, open-minded and a fearless man. These attributes make him popular and lovely in different gatherings

He has a good mastery in the Reading, writing and translation of Ejagham Language into English as well as a good knowledge in Ejagham traditional practices, beliefs and cultural expressions.
He is married and a father of many children (Biological and adopted).
Author’s message to Ejagham Youths
It is good for us to tell our own stories. Babong history is rich and very interesting just like the history of many other Ejagham communities. Let us create time to tell our own stories especially with the availability of social networks.
Many Ejagham youths are keeping away from their villages and this is acting as a great impediment for the youths to explore our rich cultural heritage. We instead turned to tape from the narratives of strangers especially for some who are compelled to research by their schools. To be candid with you, no one can tell your story better than you can. No stranger can speak your language more than you. Let’s embrace anything that can promote the name of Ejagham and our community in particular. EjT is Ejagham’s window to the world.
Books Written by Nta Ekem Festus Egbe
The History of Babong from Abagabugha Kingdom to Babong Etek Ndep Ayukasaru depict s the evolution of Babong. Her varied names or appellations, leadership skills, settlement sites, events and myths took centre stage in the narratives. The captivating stories and pictures give a vivid impression of a typical Ejagham society with a stock of cultural values carefully preserved. Tyranny is seen in Obhun Effeghi which effect acted as a lesson to others thereby urging them to embrace servant leadership as seen in Effim Okoh and his father Ndep Ayuk Asaru. Migration and evolution of culture is seen in Ba-bhong-mkpe-Achan, Ba-bhong–Esum Angbu and Asunka and Njomekpa respectively in this book as well as patriotism in Effim Okoh. The origin of Ejagham people complemented and garnished the narratives.
Abagabugha was an Ejagham Community buried deep in the present day Ejagham forest reserve. It was ruled by several kings until the turn of Obhun Effeghi who had to carry out traditional rites to ascertain his legitimacy as the custodian of the tradition of the Abagabugha people. These included, pouring of libation and sending people in the forest for hunting expedition (group hunting)
Before the arrival of the Europeans to Africa for slave trade in 1500, there existed a village in the heart of the Ejagham forest reserve called Abagabugha. A community alleged to have long existed in time immemorial, focile records excavated from the soil of this kingdom were traced and dated back to about 1500BC.
The local administration of the area described the Abagabugha descendants as the indigenous People of Ejagham because of the following:
- Language spoken: Abagabugha people speak pure and refined Ejagham language without any trace of borrowed accent from Achan, Abhuk, Etung, Ngunaya or Obang; instead the above factions of Ejagham have their bases from the Ejagham spoken by the Abagabugha people.
- Cultural heritage: Most of the cultural dances like the Mgbe, Njom- Ekpa, Abiankpo and Angbu were spread to most of the Ejagham communities by the Abagabugha descendants.
- Territoriality: Abagabugha occupies a large surface area. There is no community in Ejagham land with a large forest area as compared to that of Abagabugha Kingdom. The forest has now been distributed to many coming communities for settlement, yet she still has the largest forest.
- The fame for powers of ritual expression till date is visibly common with the Abagabugha descendants.
- Nsibiri writing: Abagabugha kingdom are famous for Nsibiri practice. Till date Nsibiri symbolisms are still a veritable means of communication within the Abagabugha communities.
- Moninkim practice. Abagabugha had the most celebrated Moninkim display- records within the Ejagham communities.
With these and more, Abagabugha can be described as the indigenous and unique people of Ejagham.
This community had been ruled by several kings before the turn of Obhun Effighi. As a tradition in Ejagham culture, the oldest person of the village is automatically crowned the Chief (Ntufam etek) as they called it and Ntui nke Ekpa for female folk. By this, the Ejagham people believed that a responsible person cannot live in a foreign land at old age (80+…) years. In this light, Obhun Effighi was made the Chief of Abagabugha following the death of the previous Chief.
The advent of social media and other media handles as well as modern day information and communication technology have buried the moonlight play and ferry tails. The reading culture has also been affected drastically. These have not only impeded the development of public speaking skills gained by those who summoned courage to publicly present their stories but have equally caged or obscured vital and interesting stories about communities, myths, remarkable events and outstanding personalities.
Smiling for the better is a book that has picked up some of these stories and succinctly treat them for the readability of youths, to keep sound minds abreast with information, and to keep alive the reading culture. The book is meant to restore and refilled Flesh to dry bones; troubled minds and idle minds. A deep reflection into this book will open you to a new horizon about life. The stories are selected from our local day-to-day happenings others are creative stories with great teachings in day-to-day life.
Click on this link to see other Ejagham Authors: Ejagham Academia & Literature. – Ejagham Tradition