The Nchibe Dance – Warriors Dance

Nchibe is one of the most prestigious dances performed by the Ejagham people. It is an important all men dance.


Figure 2 Nchibe dance during the festival

The Nchibe masquerade is held in very high esteem. The masquerade must be donned by an indigene whose parenthood is not in doubt.


Figure 3 Nchibe dance and Acolyte


Figure 4 Nchibe walking on Leopard skin

It is worthy of note that the Nchibe does not walk on bare ground but on a leopard skin. The significance of walking on Leopard skin shows royalty and the level of respect accorded the masquerade.

During its performance, two able bodied men are assigned to manoeuvre the skin for the Nchibe to ensure that Nchibe steps on the leopard skin. The male Nchibe is always restrained and controlled by an able bodied man. Nchibe is both male and female.


Figure 5 Nchibe dance paying respect to HRH Ntufam Stephen Edet Mbey


Figure 6 Nchibe dance Male (left) and Female (right)

The female is always beautifully dressed and adorn with colours. According to Ancient traditions, nothing crosses the front of the Nchibe and survives to tell the story. The male and female Nchibe can be likened to what is fondly referred as “the beauty and the beast”.

Nchibe dance step is called ‘Echemim’ which literally means ‘stepping’ due to its peculiar dance style. The Nchibe is danced by both the old and the young.


Figure 7 Nchibe dance being cheered by young performers during the festival

The Nchibe has an egg basket bearer. The egg bearer occasionally launches an egg on the forehead of the Nchibe any time it becomes too aggressive to handle. When the Nchibe sets out there is always a young boy of about ten (10) years that leads the way.


Figure 8 Nchibe dance and the egg bearer

It is believed that Nchibe has a soft spot for children.


Figure 9 Ekan Offa women cheering the Male Mgban Offa dance during the festival

Nowadays Nchibe performers include both men and women. The dancers that accompany the masquerade are clad in white wrapper and carry two sticks while Nchibe carries steel arrows.


Figure 10 Nchibe dancers bearing arrows


Figure 11 Nchibe dance and accompanying dancers

Ache Abo Dance

In the early 18th century, as supported by myth, the women in an effort to respond to the different social gathering convene by men folks decided to have theirs.


Figure 12 Ache Abo Dance during the festival

Prior to Ache Abo dance, EKPA institution is another and arguably the most dominant Ejagham women socio-cultural institution, doubling as a judiciary system for the enforcement of norms and

punitive mechanism for women. In the Ejagham language the term “Ache” means PLAY. According to the Oxford Advanced Dictionary, it is the engagement in activity(ies) for the purpose of enjoyment and recreation. ABO means HANDS. Together, ACHE ABO is the rhythmic clapping of hands accompanied by songs and in modern times, drums.

In ancient times, Ache Abo was a dance group made up of mostly married women but today all females who have come of age are allowed to dance with the older ones.


Figure 13 Ache Abo women dancers identified by their uniform


Figure 14 Ache Abo women dancers identified by their uniform


Figure 15 Ache Abo women dancers identified by their uniform

Fast forward to the present day, Ache Abo has transformed from the use of hands to the use of sticks (ati nyhayhagha), a product of bamboo plant. This innovation was to eliminate the pain incurred due to prolonged clapping during the performance. This therefore attests to the fact that the Ejagham Woman is capable of creativity. Today, Ache Abo performance groups from different communities have uniforms that stand them out wherever they perform.


Figure 16 Ache Abo women dancers identified by their uniform

Besinghe (Wrestling) – Fight of the Brave

This is the Ejagham traditional wrestling contest. Historically, besinghe was a contest for young bachelors seeking a hand of a maiden in marriage. The activity which started as a mere social and relaxing event, later became a basic requirement for selecting potential wife in the community.


Figure 17 Besinghe performers

As a competitive sport, Besinghe is a friendly physical strength showing technical and tactical understanding of belief and fitness. Winning comes when one of the competitors is wrestled to the ground on his back.


Figure 18 Besinghe performers

In the present day, like in ancient times a circle is drawn on the ground, representing the boundaries of the wrestling envelope. Any competitor who goes outside the circle is disqualified. The other person automatically becomes the winner. This sport has become a part of the Akachak festival.


Figure 19 Besinghe performers

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