== Oyabambinghe Mmi Mfeh == ==Happy New Month == ** December Loading**
Ejagham Author: Ntufam Dr. Joe Ekpe Edet  ABOUT THE AUTHOR JOSEPH EKPE-EDET was born in Oban Town, Akamkpa Local Government Area. Akamkpa Local Government Area is host to Ejagham Akamkpa Cluster, one of the seven clusters of Ejagham Nation. Joe is the seventh of the fourteen children of the...
In the Ejagham universe, there is an obvious pattern in what has been termed ‘the search for identity’. This pattern is the periodic push for recognizing the Ejagham nomenclature in official statutes.
It is widely known that a Standard Ejagham Language Orthograph has been proposed by the project’s Technical Team. Nevertheless, to display astute professionalism to guarantee infallible proficiency, the Technical Team thus embarked on a strategic engagement with all Ejagham Traditional Councils/Association in Nigeria and Cameroon. The key objective of this...
Exhibition and advancement of Proposed Orthography, Ejagham Language Ecology and Endangerment survey, and the Euphoria of a new dawn for all Ejagham People. ‘What was only imagined, is becoming a reality in our lifetime.’ These were the concluding words of the narrator in the first part of the documentary on...