Perhaps what is the most distinguishing feature of Ejagham Natioin and in partiular Akampka Local Government Area is its role as the custodian of one of the oldest forest in Africa and the last vestige of the Tropical Rainforest in Nigeria. With over 2,700 sq km of relatively understubed tropical rainforest in its bossom, attracting international acclaim, Akamkpa is the bastion of hope for rainforest in Nigeria, and accounts for 6% of the total rainforest still remaining in Nigeria. Over 1,568 plant species have been documented in Akamkpa . Of the 23 species of primates in Nigeria, 18 are found in Akamkpa Local Government Area . Accounting for over about 70% of the country’s primate composition.
Akamkpa plays host to about 2,700 sq km of the 4,000 sq km Cross River National park, and important ecological gene pool in the world. Home to 199 species of reptiles, 380 species of birds, 48 species of fish and 950 species of butterflies. On account of its critical conservation status,the Park has been designated as one of the 25 biodiversity hotspot in the world by United Nations. Akamkpa is reputed to be the richest part of Nigeria’s base of Cross River State and contributes very significantly to the sustenance of Nigeria’s natural Environment with global implication.
1 | Mona Monkey | Cercopithecus Mona |
2 | Putty Nosed Monkey | Cercopithecus Nictitans |
3 | Preuss’s Red Colobus | Piliocolobus Preussi |
4 | Chimpanzee | Pan Troglodytes Elliotti |
5 | Gorilla | Gorilla Gorilla Diehli |
6 | Red Capped Mangabey | Cercocebus Torquatus |
7 | Drill Monkey | Mandrillus Leucophaeus |
8 | African Forest Elephant | Loxodonta Africana Cyclotis |
9 | Potto | Perodictticus Potto |
10 | Red River Hog | Potamochoerus Porcus |
11 | African Buffalo | Syncerus Caffer |
12 | Blue Duiker | Cephalophus Monticola |
13 | Red Flanked Duiker | Cephalophus Rufilatus |
14 | Yellow Backed Duiker | Cephalophus Sylvicutor |
15 | Western Tree Hyrax | Dendrohyrax Dorsalis |
16 | Rock Hyrax | Procarvia Capensis |
17 | African Civet | Viverra Civetta |
18 | Tree Pangolin | Manis Tricuspis |
19 | Brush-Tailed Porcupine | Antherurus Africanus |
20 | Galago (Bush Baby) | Galago Senegalensis |
21 | Angwantibo | Arctocebus Calabarensis |
22 | Mongoose | Herpestes Naso |
23 | Cane Rat | Thryonomys Swinderianus |
24 | Giant Rat | Cricetomys Gambianus |
25 | Bush Rat | Ratus Ratus |
26 | Giant Forest Squirrel | Protoxerus Stangeri |
1 | Monitor Lizard | Varanus Niloticus |
2 | Green Snake | Opheodrys Vernalis |
3 | Alligator | Elgaria Coerulea Principis |
4 | Python | Python Sebae |
5 | Tortoise | Geochelone Nigra |
1 | Black Casqued Hornbill | Ceratogymna Atrata |
2 | Yellow Casqued Horrnbill | Ceratogymna Elata |
3 | Piping Hornbill | Bycanistes Fistulator |
4 | Pied Hornbill | Tockus Fasciatus |
5 | Dwarf Hornbill | Tokus Camurus |
6 | Wood Dove | Turtur Brehmeri |
7 | Great Blue Turaco | Corythaecola Cristata |
8 | Green Turaco | Tauraco Persa |
9 | African Grey Parrot | Psittacus Erithacus |
1 | Umbrella Tree | Musanga Cercropoides |
2 | Guinea Pepper | Xylopia Aethiopica |
3 | Bush Mango | Irvingia Gabonensis |
4 | Drypetes | Drypetes Flouribunda |
5 | Oil Bean Tree | Penthacleita Macrophylla |
6 | Monkey Cola | Carapa Procera |
7 | Staudtia | Staudtia Stipitata |
8 | Locust Bean | Parkia Bicolar |
9 | African Walnut | Coula Edulis |
10 | Karabot | Pycnanthus Angolensis |
11 | Iron Wood | Lophira Alata |
12 | Sida | Lovea Trichiloides |
13 | Uapaca | Uapaca Staudtii |
14 | African Yellow Plant | Enantha Chloranta |
15 | Albezia | Albezia Gigantum |
16 | Cam Wood | Baphia Nitida |
17 | Otu | Cleistopholis Patens |
18 | Oil Palm Tree | Elaeis Guineensis |
19 | Klainedoxa | Klainedoxa Gabonensis |
20 | Ebony | Diospyros Mespiliformis |
21 | Opepe | Nauchlea Diderrichii |
22 | Iroko | Milicia Excels |
23 | Cotton Tree | Ceiba Pentandra |
24 | Native Pear | Dacryodes Edulis |
25 | Achi | Brachystegia Eurycoma |
26 | African Star Fruit | Tetrapleura Tetrapleura |
27 | Stool Wood | Alstonia Boonei |
28 | Bitter Cola | Garcinia Cola |
29 | Small Leaf | Piptadeniastrum Africanum |
30 | Swizzle Sick | Rauvolfia Vomitera |
31 | Editan | Lasianthera Africana |
32 | Ant Tree | Rauvolfia Manni |
33 | False Rubber | Funtumia Elastic |
34 | Sweet Alligator Pepper | Afrommomum Chrysanthum |
35 | Afromomum | Afromomum Daniellli |
36 | Wild Yam | Dioscorea Villosa |
37 | Rattan (Cane Rope) | Calamus Dearatus |
38 | Chewing Stick | Garcinia Manni |
39 | Monkey Apple | Anisophyllea Launna |
40 | Cattle Stick | Carpolobia Lutea |
41 | Bush Cane | Costus Afar |
42 | Blood Tonic Plant | Brillanthesia Vogellinna |
43 | Hot Leaf | Piper Guineensis |
44 | Water Vine | Adansonia Cimcillipoides |
45 | Atama | Heinsia Crinata |
46 | Goat’s Knee | Palisota Hirsute |
47 | Salad | Gnetum Africana |
48 | Miraculous Plant | Theumatococcus Danielli |
49 | African Iodine | Harungana Madagascariensis |
50 | Utasi | Gongronema Latifolia |